Create an Effective Personal Brand

Michelle Ku

One sentence of business advice: Entrepreneurs in saturated, service-driven markets need a Personal Brand.

In my old career of supply chain management, I had employees whose job it was to purchase commodities. Commodities are goods that are essentially all the same and are primarily differentiated by price, lead time, and customer service.

If you work in a saturated market in a service-based industry, you are a commodity. People probably make decisions about hiring you based on price, availability, or speed (how fast you answer email/call/text).

Establishing yourself as a Brand helps differentiate you in a crowded space. Done right, you may even shake off the commodity status and become a custom product.

As a brand photographer, I’ve observed many personal brands grow and change over time.


Here are 3 things that successful personal brands do:

1. Decide the why and own it
2. Find your niche and differentiating factors
3. Know this story and tell it

Your personal brand revolves around your story (why and how you’re different).

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