Become A Member

Join The Alliance of Professional Women to establish valuable and enduring connections that that benefit you personally and professionally.


$ 250
  • Member Pricing for all APW events
  • APW Member Directory Listing
  • 10% off Tarra Membership
  • One discounted guest pass for Luncheon
  • Join A Committee
  • Name Badge
  • Guest Post Blogs
  • Sponsorship Opportunities


$ 325
  • Includes All Individual Benefits +
  • AD featured on APW website
  • Ad in one email newsletter
  • One FREE pass to any regularly-priced Networking Luncheon or Business After Hours


$ 675
  • 3 Networking Memberships
  • Includes All Membership Benefits +
  • FREE “swag bag” sponsorship for our annual member appreciation luncheon
  • Corporate Badge on the APW website directory listing for all your members
  • 3 FREE passes to any regularly-priced Networking Luncheon or Business After Hours event
  • 3 Discounted guest passes for APW Networking Luncheons per year



Anyone! Our focus is on networking for professional women, so it helps if you fall into that category, but other than that we have an incredibly diverse membership. We have women just starting out in their careers, retirees, and women at all stages in between. We have engineers, doctors, accountants, attorneys, authors, life coaches, holistic health practitioners and image consultants. We have entrepreneurs and members of some of the largest firms in Denver. We have women who work full-time and part-time. Our focus is bringing together women of all professions.

Many professions are represented and we never limit how many members in each profession can join. Somehow, we never seem to have “too many” members in any one profession. Our membership is incredibly diverse, which is one of the many advantages of membership in the APW. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for an attorney, a real estate agent or a caterer, you’ll be able to find someone within our membership to meet that need. Also, access to such a diverse cross-section of professions gives our members the opportunity to learn business practices and strategies that might work for their business, too. Take a look at all the PROFESSIONS REPRESENTED on our MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY.

Our Networking Luncheons are scheduled once a month, always the second Thursday, and we meet all over the Denver metro area. We do this for a few reasons. First, we want to accommodate our members no matter where they are located geographically. Second, we’re known for hitting some of the newest and most highly reviewed restaurants and venues in the city Our Luncheon Planning Committee scours the area to find the hottest culinary locales for our events.

Everyone has a fantastic time! Luncheon check-in usually starts around 11:30 am. At the registration desk, you’ll receive a friendly greeting and your lunch entrée choice card. We offer fabulous door prizes: theater tickets, spa services, flowers and more!

From 11:30 am to noon, it’s all about mingling and getting to know some of the most fantastic people you’ll ever meet. Here’s the great thing about our luncheons: women tell us that the friendly and relaxed atmosphere puts them at ease immediately. This is one of the many things that sets us apart from other networking organizations.

At noon everyone is seated and the luncheon program begins. If the luncheon is sponsored, the sponsor speaks for about 10 minutes. There are usually some announcements and, of course, the door prize drawings. Then a fun “luncheon question” stimulates even more conversation at the tables. The luncheons end promptly at 1:00 pm, but we typically see members and guests still chatting as late as 1:30 pm. And that’s great, because we’re about building relationships.

Absolutely, in fact, we recommend it. Our Networking Luncheons are hands-down the best way to get a feel for the Alliance of Professional Women. Usually people know within one or two luncheons whether or not the APW is a fit for them. And, we are proud to say, many of our non-member luncheon attendees have decided to join.

No, the Alliance of Professional Women is not a part of a national organization, although we do have a local philanthropic arm, Alliance Foundation. The Alliance Foundation’s mission is to support identified programs that improve the status and quality of life for women and children by helping them achieve self-sufficiency and economic independence. We seek to Educate, Inspire and Empower women for lifelong success!

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